Virtual University of Pakistan (VU) Perception vs Reality

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Virtual University Logo 

Education is one of the most important building blocks in the progress of a Nation. Talking about the education sector of Pakistan we come across many names who promise to provide world class quality education. But the question is; are they really providing the quality education on the basis of which we can compete at international level? Though, there are many institutions and Universities that are serving this purpose but I would like to talk about Virtual University (VU), Pakistan first Distance Learning Institution.

Virtual University is the Pioneer University in distance learning based on the Modern Information and Communication Technologies. VU was established by the Government as a not-for-profit, public sector institution which will provide within reach, world clas education to students across country.

Distance Learning

But the question arises, Is VU really being able to provide the world class education to its students? One should or should not join this distance learning institution? In order to get the answer lets just go through what is the general perception and what is the reality and then I will leave it up to you to decide whether VU is really providing the world class quality education or not. And on the basis of this you can decide whether one should or should not join VU.
Let’s start our discussion with the general perception about VU in public.

General Perception

  • Generally VU is perceived as sub-standard university as it’s not being regarded well.
  • It’s thought that those who don’t get admission any where join this institution.
  • The education standard is not really good.
  • The graduates from this university don’t get jobs easily.
  • The degree of this institution is not regarded well anywhere.
  • The building doesn’t have proper equipment and all the facilitation.
  • Students face the issue of timing.


If above mentioned points are general perception then it’s alarming for VU management. Let’s try to find out why people perceive VU as sub-standard.
  • Good positioning and marketing is missing which is one basic reason why people perceive it a sub-standard.
  • The society in which we are living in, we think that education is only possible in class rooms.
  • Little awareness of distance learning education is another reason for this negative perception of VU.
  • We as a Nation are not really good in adapting new things and technology. This lack of information and use of technology is causing this perception.
That was the general perception. Now let’s talk about the reality, what VU is and what it is doing for the Nation.


  • This institution is for those people who are doing some kind of job and want to continue studies. As they provide them distance learning facility so they can take the classes any time sitting anywhere around the country.
  • There is no issue of timing as student can take virtual classes via Virtual television i.e. VTV1, VTV2, VTV3, VTV4 and also through DVD’s provided by VU at affordable prices.
  • All the campuses of LHR, KHI & RWP PVC’s they all equipped with A/c & heaters. Labs are quipped with latest PC’s Plus Wireless LAN Connection.
  • Graduates from VU are working in many multinational, semi Private and Governmental organization. And many have started their own entrepreneurial ventures. And to make sure that the graduates form VU gets the best a Job Portal is being initiated by VU in alliance with Rozee. Pk. You can visit the website .
  • The quality of education is world class. As the modules taught are the same as in LUMS, Yale, MIT and other universities. And to teach these modules the top class instructor are being hired. According to the Webomatrics Ranking of the top 100 subcontinent universities, VU holds its place.
  • Students are appreciated to come up with new things and ideas in order to improve their learning like development of their own data sheets etc.
This was the whole story about the VU. What’s being perceived and what’s the reality. Now I leave it up to you now to decide whether you still think VU is a sub-standard institute or not.
Please note that all the information provided here is extracted after research and not based on hypothesize or theories.

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