Be Prepared For The Job Interview

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Be Prepared For The Job Interview

Guidelines To Follow For A Successful Interview

Being prepared for the job interview will show prospective employers you ARE the right choice. Dress for success, and have the right attitude to ace that interview.

Your hard work has paid off - you have an interview for that job you are just dying to work at. Don't blow your chances at this opportunity. Be prepared to answer your career questions and demonstrate the right attitude for this job.

Dress Appropriately

So often this simple advice is overlooked. You must find a balance between dressing for the job and dressing for the interview. Simple enough if you are going for a traditional "office job", but what if you are going for a construction job? Remember - still show the interviewer you know what is required: wear your safety boots, clean and neat jeans or work pants, and an appropriate work shirt.

And yes, for that office job, it is suggested you wear what you'd wear to work. Programmers can usually still wear clean and neat jeans, but it does depend on the company. Generally speaking, it is still best to dress for success - that is, a suit or jacket and appropriate bottoms.

Careful on the jewellery - not too outlandish - just keep it simple. But if you're going for a creative position, be creative! (just don't overdo it). Get the idea? Dress for the job, but keep it somewhat formal. The idea here is to dress for success!

Be Prepared For The Interview

Bring copies of your resume and cover letter to hand out to the interviewers. Not everyone may have a copy handy. Don't forget your handy Business Cards - they will help the interviewers to remember you, especially in a favourable light.

Create and use a summary skill sheet - this is for your own use only! You can use it as sort of a cue card or "study sheet" - to remind yourself of important points you want to include in the interview. This sheet will also help you answer those tough interview questions about yourself. Read my course Job Searches to determine the best way to create this important document.

Of course, you have researched the company, haven't you? Understand the company's mission statement, or basic workings of the company.

Put Yourself In An Appropriate Mind Set

This means: relax but be confident! Use calming techniques such as deep breathes and visualization before the interview to keep your mind and body in tune. Be confident you will get the job! Put a smile on your face and in your voice: show them you are an upbeat person and the right candidate for this job! Your attitude will go a long way in getting you the job. Who would you rather work with - someone who has all the qualifications but is miserable to work with, or someone who is willing to do what it takes to get the job done - with a smile?

Remember - you DID get the interview - so you DO have the right qualifications!

Author: Paym Bergson
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