Latest Platinum Ring

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Platinum Ring is a greatly used in jewelry due to its exquisiteness and sturdiness. This metal is sturdier than white gold. This is the reason why this is preferred for wedding bands, earrings and pendants as well. You can clean any item prepared from this metal at home easily and conveniently. If you have a platinum diamond ring and you want to clean it, you can do it at home with alcohol. In this article, I have discussed how to perform this.

First you should collect the stuffs that are necessary for your work. These include 2 small bowls, ammonia, water, soft cloths, jewelry box, rubbing alcohol and paper.
Put a small bowl on a place. Combine 1 cup of lukewarm water with 1/4 cup of ammonia in that pot. Place the platinum diamond ring in that solution for 20 minutes. It will let the ring soak the liquids. Then you should wipe the ring with a soft cloth until it is wholly dry. Then arrange a bowl. Fill it with rubbing alcohol. Then put the ring into that bowl. Let it be inside that solution for a few seconds. Then you can take away the ring and clean it with cool water. Let the ring to dry in the air.

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